Site notice & disclosure
Owner & operator of the website:
Apart Peppone
Oberlängenfeld 59
64444 Längenfeld
Company name: Manfred Karlinger
Managerial responsibility: Manfred Karlinger
Line of business: room letting, hotel, apartments
Legal form: individual companie
Place for the trade licence: 6444 Längenfeld
Firmenbuchgericht: Silz
VAT Reg. No.: 7026898
UID: ATU 32806504
Chamber affiliation: WKO
Supervisory authority: BH Imst
Regulation act: Anwendbare gewerbe- oder berufsrechtliche Vorschriften: Gewerbeordnung 1994, abrufbar unter
Design, programming & hosting:
Huber Web Media
Mils Au 70
6493 Mils bei Imst
Tyrol – Austria
Tel.: 0043 650 4488663
UID: ATU 63430415
All contents have been examined carefully, however no guarantee can be made regarding accuracy, completeness, and topicality. Liabilities caused by the use or misuse of the information offered, or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are strictly excluded.
Liability for links:
Our website contains links to external, third-party websites for which our organisation is not responsible. We have no influence on the content of these websites, but the operating companies of these sites are exclusively responsible. No unlawful contents were in evidence at the time the links were created.
Image rights:
The images which appear on this website are protected by copyright and are non-binding. © Huber Web Media – with all rights reserved.
Image credits:
House Peppone: ©Rossner Dominik
Videos: ©Ötztal Tourismus
Tobogganing ©Ötztal Tourismus-Lukas Ennemoser
Winter hiking: ©Ötztal Tourismus-Bernd Ritschel
Cross-country skiing: ©Ötztal Tourismus-Gerhard Berger
Aqua Dome: ©Ötztal Tourismus-Aqua Dome
Skiing: ©Ötztal Tourismus-eye5
Aqua Dome: ©Ötztal-Tourismus-Christoph Schoech
Excursions: ©Ötztal Tourismus-Alexander Lohmann
Climbing: ©Ötztal-Tourismus-Guenter-Durner
Biking: ©Ötztal-Tourismus-Wayne-Reiche
Hiking: ©Ötztal-Tourismus-Isidor-Noesig
All texts, graphics and images are protected by copyright and may not be used unless prior permission has been obtained from the owner.
Purpose of the website:
This website serves to inform the user about goods and services of our organisation.